Top Ten Reasons to Choose a Do-It-Yourself Divorce

Top Ten Reasons to Choose a Do-It-Yourself Divorce

Top Ten Reasons to Choose a Do-It-Yourself Divorce

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January 31, 2021

Being in a marriage that has run its course is a familiar situation for many couples. The stigma surrounding divorce coupled with the potentially lengthy and expensive process can be daunting to some. But divorce need not be complicated, lengthy, or expensive. Many couples have successfully navigated the divorce process without the aid of attorneys by simply doing it themselves. While a do-it-yourself style divorce may not fit the needs of every couple, let’s look at the ten best reasons for moving forward with a divorce without involving an attorney.

  1. Money. Divorce can be expensive. Some divorce attorneys bill hourly, charging you for everything they do in connection with handling your case. The fee for a divorce attorney can easily exceed $5,000. A DIY divorce can significantly reduce the cost of ending your marriage.
  2. Time. Divorce can go on for years if it becomes contentious. For couples who are on good terms with each other and who don’t have complex assets and liabilities, a DIY divorce can be done in as little as under a year.
  3. You are legally savvy. Some people are more comfortable with navigating within the legal world than others. If you consider yourself a legally savvy person and do not mind researching applicable laws, a DIY divorce may be a great fit for you.
  4. You and your spouse are amicable. One of the reasons couples involve attorneys in their divorce is to settle or mediate contested issues. If you and your spouse agree on all the issues, a DIY divorce may work best for you.
  5. You do not have children. Going through a divorce with children is an entirely different experience than without them. If you and your spouse do not have children, then you will not need to worry about producing a plan for support or custody. This makes the entire process move faster.
  6. You do not have significant assets. Marriages which have not lasted long or that have not really involved commingling of assets are potentially good candidates for DIY divorce as there is no property division to fight over.
  7. Both you and your spouse have moved on. Being in current relationships may give you and your spouse the incentive to move quickly and efficiently through your divorce. It may also remove any lingering feelings that could cause disagreements and fighting. If both you and your spouse want to move on with current relationships, a DIY divorce could be the quickest and easiest way to accomplish that goal.
  8. Neither party is seeking support. If you and your spouse have independent incomes and are not seeking any form of support or alimony, then your divorce may be a simple matter that does not require legal representation.
  9. You do not trust lawyers. Let’s face it, some people do not care for lawyers for whatever reason. Not all lawyers do an excellent job or care about their clients. If you believe that you are someone who may not work well with an attorney, the DIY route may work better for you.
  10. You trust your spouse. Even though your marriage is ending, you still might love, respect, and trust your spouse. Couples get divorced for many different reasons, some involving factors that are outside of each person’s control. If you believe that your spouse will be fair and honest, a DIY divorce could work.

No matter what your situation is, speaking with an attorney to learn more about divorce can go a long way for you. Moreover, one attorney might be able to represent both you and the other party, which can save you money and time. At minimum, discussing with an attorney your goals and concerns will enable you to make an informed decision. Backed by more than 40 years of experience, Inner Vision Legal has been recognized as one of the best divorce law firms in Oklahoma. The firm strives to obtain the best results for its clients and to provide quality services at a reasonable cost. Touch base with the knowledgeable attorneys at Inner Vision Legal by calling us or contacting us online.

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