September 26, 2023
Going through a custody fight with your ex is a stressful event. The back and forth of going to court and responding to court filings can send you into a tailspin. During these tough times, you may want someone there that you feel will support you and have your back. For those reasons, many parents may consider dating while they are amid a custody dispute but may not be sure whether they should. And while you may not be looking to date while all this is going on, you may unexpectedly meet someone that you simply do not want to lose. There are a few questions that you should ask yourself before you decide to take on a dating relationship while your custody case is ongoing.
If the split from your ex was recent, then you may want to think about taking a break from dating to get your bearings. Breakups are hard, and getting over someone that you share a child with can be especially challenging. If you find yourself constantly thinking about your ex, or stewing over how it ended, then you may not be ready to date, especially while you are in the middle of a custody fight. You must also think about the stress you may be putting a potential partner through if your ex is particularly combative or abusive.
The judge deciding your case will be looking at what is in the best interest of your children when deciding where the children will live. If you are dating, then that may be considered by the judge, and there’s a chance it could help or hurt your case.
It won’t look good to the court if your new partner is known to be dangerous or has a history of abusing children. Clearly, a judge would not give you custody if you were bringing someone around that could harm your kids.
Still, in some circumstances, dating may help if your new partner is someone that will be a good influence on your child and provide stability. While not the only thing a court will consider, a partner that provides financial stability may be seen as favorable to a judge. Additionally, dating someone who also has kids that have bonded with your children may motivate a judge to keep them together.
While there is no law against dating during a custody dispute, it may cause your ex to react badly and make things worse for you and your children. An ex that is still bitter about your split can do a lot of things to make your life more difficult.
You should also think about how dating will impact your children. Introducing a new partner does not always go smoothly, and you risk upsetting your children if it is too soon or they simply don’t like the person you are now dating.
Still, you may be able to date without introducing that person to your kids, but you may not be able to hide them from your ex. A new partner may sound appealing, especially if you are lonely, but it may not be worth it if it causes more problems. Talk with your lawyer about your concerns, as they will be able to give you expert advice on how dating will affect your case.
If you have additional questions that relate to custody, you should run them by an Oklahoma family law attorney. Inner Vision Legal is a highly-regarded family law firm in Oklahoma. We regularly help clients with divorce, child custody, child support, and related issues. Backed by 17 years of experience, Inner Vision Legal has been recognized as one of the best divorce law firms in Oklahoma. To learn more about how we can help you, call (405) 724-2525 or contact us online.
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