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Relocation & Move-Aways

Relocation & Move-Aways

Get the representation and counsel you deserve

Child support and visitation are complex issues, even in the best of circumstances. If you or your spouse needs to relocate, this can complicate matters even further.

At Inner Vision Legal, Attorney Rhonda Telford Naidu in OKC is ready and able to assist you in matters regarding custody, child support and especially as it pertains to the relocation of one or both parents. We will work hard to ensure that your rights and the rights of your children are upheld to the highest standard of the law.


Oklahoma law allows divorced couples to move or relocate if needed. However, there are requirements in place regarding relocation when children are involved. According to Oklahoma law, the parent who is planning to move must provide the other parent with a notice of relocation in the event that the move is going to be more than seventy-five (75) miles away from their current primary residence.

This notice must be provided at least sixty (60) days before the move occurs.

The notice should include:

  • The moving date;
  • The new address (if known);
  • The reason for the move; and
  • A proposed child visitation schedule.

If there are circumstances that prevent giving sixty (60) days of notice, you must provide notice within ten (10) days of finding out that you are required to move. If you do not give notice, you could be cited for contempt of court, and it can make it difficult for you to continue to receive child support.


A parent can object to a move and try to prevent it. In this case, the parent who is not moving would file an objection, which our team in Oklahoma City can assist you with. Once the objection is filed, the court will review whether the move is being made for a legitimate reason. Legitimate reasons for moving may include:

  • Moving for employment;
  • Moving to be closer to family; or
  • Moving due to remarriage.

If the move is for a good reason, then the non-moving party must make a case for the move not being in the best interests of the children. The judge will consider factors such as the preferences of the children involved, the age of the children, the relationship each parent has with the children, and the impact a move will have on the children’s quality of life.


Ideally, you and the other parent will be able to work out the issues without going to court. We are happy to assist in any way we can. You may want to consider mediation, for example. The moving parent should present a visitation schedule that includes telephone and web chat visitation as well as in-person visits. If you cannot resolve your issues, court may be your best option.


At Inner Vision Legal, we have more than 17 years of experience getting results for our clients. Our team in OKC has experience in negotiating moves and relocations, and we can work hand in hand with you to advocate for the best outcome possible.

We will work to ensure that your rights are upheld and your demands honored. If you are the custodial parent, we will work to ensure you get the support you need during this hectic time in your life. Conversely, if you are the non-custodial parent, we will make every effort to ensure you stay a healthy part of your children’s lives.

Do not hesitate to contact us today at (405) 724-2525 to find out how we can help.

Attorney Rhonda<br> Telford Naidu Julia Candace Jayshree
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